Little Way Home Educators (LWHE) is a group of families South of Boston who come together for spiritual, educational and social experiences. We coordinate activities and offer support to one another in an effort to help home-educating families to discern their gifts and talents and share them with the world. We also help one another to network with other local, state and national groups in order to pursue interests and explore options outside of those offered by LWHE.

Above all, Little Way Home Educators strive to support and encourage one another in living our vocations in a welcoming, member-driven community.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nativity of Mary

In early September families of Little Way Home Educators gathered at LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro to celebrate the Nativity of Mary.

The children walking around the Shrine's beautiful Rosary walk.

The children played games and sang songs while at the same time learning the story of Sts. Joachim and Anne and the birth of our Blessed Mother.  Although facilitated by LWHE co-coordinator Dani, the children really drove the conversation as we discussed the birth of Mary and how we can all strive to be "little Marys and Marios".  They also inspired impromptu prayer and singing that was not initially even on the agenda! 

Discussing the events leading up to Mary's birth.

Playing Mother Mary, May I?

Singing Immaculate Mary

After our lesson and games we gathered for snacks before attending Mass in the Shrine church.

This was a wonderful time for faith formation, new friendships and most of all fun!  We are looking forward to providing more opportunities like this throughout the coming year.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Here We Grow...

Since Little Way Home Educators' inception in June, word has been getting out about our member-driven group.  We now have over 40 members on our Facebook group, where we share information, ask questions, chat online with one another and network, and 30 in our BigTent group, where we discuss and plan events, share things that we might want archived, etc.  

This month, we'll be having our first monthly Parent Support Meeting.

Next month, we'll be starting a monthly Geography Club in two locations and a 4-week Flag Football and Tree Study mini-co-op.  There's also talk of an outdoor group meeting regularly in the Plymouth-Cape Cod area, a number of feast day celebrations, a potential monthly Adoration and Clubs initiative and more.

Members stretch across a wide swathe of southern Massachusetts with a current geographic center around Middleboro/Raynham.  There are folks on the Cape, in the New Bedford area, in the Weymouth area and, well, all over the map South of Boston.  We are excited to see pockets of truly local friendships and support develop as well as a strong network of Catholic home educators that is a bit larger, but still within driving distance!

If you'd like to be a part of it all, please get in touch via Facebook or a comment here.  If you are already a part and want to see a particular initiative take off, throw your ideas out on Facebook and BigTent or at in-person gatherings.

Of course, also, please continue to pray for our growing group.  May we gift each other with the gifts we have been given!

Friday, June 13, 2014

St. Therese of Lisieux, Pray for Us

St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.

Today, founding families got together to pray and talk about beginning a member-driven group for Catholic home educators South of Boston.  Shortly after voting the group into existence, as we chatted about naming it, your name came up.  Shortly thereafter, the idea "Little Way Home Educators" was voiced.

Everyone smiled and nodded.

You became our patron saint.

May we live and love in our little way at home and with one another as our group unfolds.

May we be directed by the Holy Spirit.

May we find support, encouragement, community and, of course, light and love, through all our endeavors.

This we pray.