Little Way Home Educators (LWHE) is a group of families South of Boston who come together for spiritual, educational and social experiences. We coordinate activities and offer support to one another in an effort to help home-educating families to discern their gifts and talents and share them with the world. We also help one another to network with other local, state and national groups in order to pursue interests and explore options outside of those offered by LWHE.

Above all, Little Way Home Educators strive to support and encourage one another in living our vocations in a welcoming, member-driven community.

About LWHE

Who are Little Way Home Educators?

We are a community of primarily Catholic home-educating families that live and learn South of Boston and seek to encourage and ignite a life long love of learning while developing strong friendships and staying true to our faith.

Just as our patroness St. Therese of Lisieux did, we hope to start in little ways, watering all of our efforts with faith and love.

Little Way Home Educators appreciate that God made each of us unique and that members bring a variety of experiences, gifts, challenges, parenting philosophies, and educational methods to the group. These individual differences are not only “okay”, but are also expected and welcomed. In fact, although we are a Catholic home education group, we also welcome “after-schoolers” who wish to act as primary educators of their children in partnership with their schools and those who are not Catholic, but are Catholic-friendly.

Little Way Home Educators members recognize that every individual is unique and that it is only through embracing ourselves that we can find and follow our life callings. As such, members commit to continually creating a welcoming, supportive, and vibrant environment where kindness, understanding, charity and God-granted curiosity are the rule. In this environment, relationships are formed and strengthened as individuals grow in faith, experience, wisdom, skills, and appreciation for all that makes life good.

In all group interactions, light, love, and harmony should shine. 

Is LWHE an inclusive group?

While anyone is welcome to join LWHE, all interested families must understand that the founding members consider ourselves to be in complete communion with the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy Father, and the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, and, within the group, we expect no verbal or written attempts to promote teachings contrary to the authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the authority of our Holy Father, and the teachings of the bishops in union with him. In other words: Respectful questions posed appropriately? Okay. Arguing for or promoting that which is not Catholic? Please, no. 

Families interested in joining LWHE may also want to be aware that the founding members:

  • know, trust, and pray to God.

  • focus on many activities centered on our Catholic faith and the liturgical year.

  • value life, from conception to natural death.

  • expect everyone within the group to respect our Catholic faith and not to actively promote other beliefs at group activities and events or on group forums. If someone has not yet accepted the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith, they are still welcome. However, any attempts to purposefully contradict the faith are not.

  • recognize children as individuals who are gifted with unique needs and interests. We respect all children for who they are without trying to “fix” them, exclude them, or make them be like everybody else. We do, however, continually work to encourage growth in virtues among all children and adults.

  • defend freedom for parents to decide how best to educate their individual children. The founding families are home educators, but all families are welcome to join! Just as each family is unique, the best route to educating children within a family is, too, regardless of what approach to schooling families might take (Classical, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Delight-Directed, Montessori, Unit Studies, Special Needs, etc.)

  • spend ample time outside enjoying God’s wondrous creation. 

If one or more of these things does not describe you and your family, too, that is okay! Respect. Kindness. Exuberance for life. Ignited learning. WELCOMING FAITH! That is what we are about.  

We remember St. Therese's words, "The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm.  If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness."  We enjoy the beautiful spring of our membership.

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