Little Way Home Educators (LWHE) is a group of families South of Boston who come together for spiritual, educational and social experiences. We coordinate activities and offer support to one another in an effort to help home-educating families to discern their gifts and talents and share them with the world. We also help one another to network with other local, state and national groups in order to pursue interests and explore options outside of those offered by LWHE.

Above all, Little Way Home Educators strive to support and encourage one another in living our vocations in a welcoming, member-driven community.

Membership FAQ

How can I become part of Little Way Home Educators? 

Any Catholic home educating family that lives South of Boston is welcome to join the group. However, since our group is primarily a member-driven, live and in-person one, potential members are strongly encouraged to come to an activity before being added to our membership list/Facebook group.  We also ask that all members actively participate in at least one Little Way Home Educators event or activity a year.*

With this in mind, if you are interested in joining LWHE and know an existing LWHE member, please feel free to come along to something with that person. Or, if you do not know anyone, simply leave a comment with your contact information here or message the Administrators on Facebook to find out about upcoming activities that you might like to attend. Then, once you have been to one or two activities and feel that LWHE is a good fit for your family, join our Facebook group.

*Members that join LWHE but fail to participate for 12 consecutive months may be removed from all group communication lists.  This is NOT to be punitive nor exclusive, but to ensure that we remain a community of REAL, LIVE PEOPLE– not just e-lurkers.   (And, of course, those members will be welcomed back when they are ready to participate again!)

How much does being a member of Little Way Home Educators cost? 

Currently, membership to LWHE is free, however, some activities and events might require family-friendly fees. 

Over time, if LWHE grows enough to warrant a budget, membership fees will be considered. However, the group will always aim to be budget-friendly. 

I am a member already. How can I find out what is going on? 

LWHE members are asked to join our LWHE Facebook groupwhere events, activities and discussions are posted or to "go old school":  pick up the phone or pop by to ask a fellow member what's happening. 

What does "member-driven" mean and is there a Leadership Team Model?

Little Way Home Educators is a member-driven group whose "Leadership Team" adapts on a year-to-year basis based upon the group’s needs.

At inception, the "Leadership Team" consisted of two Coordinators who conceived the main ideas for the group and promised to do their best to get it going and growing.  Additionally, several other founding members stepped up right away with offers to commit to organize field trips, events, and educational experiences. 

With these seeds planted, it is now up to ALL members help our group thrive through active participation.

If you have a need or desire, let folks know.  Maybe someone can fulfill it.

If you have an idea, throw it out there and expect the answer from others to be something akin to, "That sounds great.  What can we do to help you make it happen?"

Indeed, the vibrant encouragement, support, activities, and events of Little Way Home Educators will unfold because or mom, dad, or child has an idea and makes it happen.   

So, go ahead, if you have an idea, post it, get feedback, make a plan and invite others to participate.   Or, if you are a more spontaneous type, simply share a post in our Facebook group akin to, "We're going to xxx on yyy.  Join us if you can!"(Although, if you are doing this, please keep in mind that some people only check for messages every few days and many of us live at a fair distance from one another.  Thus, if you want company, it behooves you to post at least 48 hours in advance when possible!)

We need each little flower in our Little Way Home Educators group to make the garden grow beautifully!

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