Little Way Home Educators (LWHE) is a group of families South of Boston who come together for spiritual, educational and social experiences. We coordinate activities and offer support to one another in an effort to help home-educating families to discern their gifts and talents and share them with the world. We also help one another to network with other local, state and national groups in order to pursue interests and explore options outside of those offered by LWHE.

Above all, Little Way Home Educators strive to support and encourage one another in living our vocations in a welcoming, member-driven community.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Assumption of Mary Feast Day Celebration

Two families gathered at one LWHE member's home to celebrate the Assumption of Mary feast day two days early.  We enjoyed a nature walk, prayer, making Assumption vases, art, snacks and drinks together as we connected symbolism to the Assumption.

One member wrote more about this saint day playdate on her family blog, Training Happy Hearts.  Feel free to pop on over to see more snapshots and read details about the celebration.

Next month's feast day fun will likely be centered around the Mary's birthday, unless someone suggests another saint day.  We'd love to hear your ideas!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

St. Ignatius of Loyola Feast Day Celebration

Credit:  Training Happy Hearts

Three families gathered at one LWHE member's home to celebrate St. Ignatius of Loyola's feast day one day early.  We enjoyed prayer, snacks and drink related to St. Ignatius, spiritual exercises, a craft and a Life of St. Ignatius obstacle course.

One member wrote more about this saint day playdate on her family blog, Training Happy Hearts.  Feel free to pop on over to see more snapshots and read details about the celebration.

Next month's feast day fun will likely be centered around the Assumption.  We'd love your ideas for it!